How to let Hubot send status messages to your Jabber conference after a Jenkins build was finished

How to let Hubot send status messages to your Jabber conference after a Jenkins build was finished

Wouldn’t it be nice if Hubot would tell you if a jenkins build was successful or not? Here is how we did it by extending the jenkins script at

Add a callback-method so jenkins can trigger an action

jenkinsCallback = (req, res, robot) ->
   room = "room@your.jabber.server"
   job = req.body.job
   user = robot.userForId 'broadcast' = room
   user.type = 'groupchat'

   url = process.env.HUBOT_JENKINS_URL
   getreq = robot.http("#{url}/job/#{job}/api/json")

   if process.env.HUBOT_JENKINS_AUTH
     auth = new Buffer(process.env.HUBOT_JENKINS_AUTH).toString('base64')
     getreq.headers Authorization: "Basic #{auth}"

   getreq.get() (err, res, body) ->
       if err
         robot.send user, "Jenkins callback failed: #{err}"
           message = "Jenkins: #{job} "
           content = JSON.parse(body)
           message+= if content.color == "red" then "FAILED" else "PASSED"
           robot.send user, message
         catch error
           robot.send user, error

   res.writeHead 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
   res.end 'Ok'

Add a route to receive callbacks

module.exports = (robot) -> "/your/path/for/jenkins/callbacks", (req, res) ->
   jenkinsCallback(req, res, robot)

Make Jenkins send callbacks

We use the PostBuildScript-Plugin to trigger the callbacks:

curl -d job=$JOB_NAME

This assumes that Hubot is listening on port 80 of, so adjust it to your needs.

We are using jabber to communicate with our team members, and as this was just a quick hack, we only implemented sending xmpp messages. Feel free to write a comment how to use a general messaging approach, then this might be worth a github pull request.

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